Last week, our students went to Crossings Camp at Jonathan Creek in Kentucky. This was their
first experience at Crossings. They were not sure what to expect when they got there.
Crossings in my opinion has the best recreation options of any student ministry camp out there.
They offer zip lines, kayaking, tubing, lasertag, high ropes adventures, pool games, court games,
cookie decorating, arts & crafts, and more. They have a lake on the campus with blobs, more
zip lines over the water, water slides, and etc. All of these activities make a great week of camp.
But what sets Crossings apart is their summer staff counselors, the worship times, and the
preaching time each night of the camp. We saw God come in power at camp. Our students had
personal encounters with the Lord. It was so awesome seeing our students worship the Lord
and engaging with the Lord speaking through His Word. We asked the students about what
they liked about Crossings at the end of the week and it was so encouraging to hear them talk
about the worship time and how the Lord was moving in their lives! Our church family should
be very proud of our students who went to camp. They were always on time and where they
needed to be. They were not watching worship, but they were worshiping! They had their
Bibles open and were anticipating the Lord to speak to them each night. The adult leaders Matt,
Cherakee, and Pastor Shane want to thank all the parents for allowing your student(s) to go to
camp. It was a camp that was over 8 hours away but seeing the Lord move on the hearts of our
students is worth the 8-plus drive. Parents, thank you for entrusting us with your student(s).
We want to thank your church family because you made it possible for our student(s) to go
camp. Many of you prayed for our students at camp we saw those prayers answered! On
Sunday, July 31 st our students will get an opportunity to share what God did in their lives at
Crossings Camp. So mark your calendars and come hear their testimonies from camp!
Pastor Shane
Senior Pastor